Wednesday, June 20, 2012

We went to a baby shower...

Mother, myself, and "My" little girls did, that is.   It was in Napoleon at the park, so I stopped by at our place and picked Mom up to ride with us.  It was the first time she'd met the little girls I care for, and suffice it to say that she liked them very much.  :)  (I do too.)  Johanna had a lot of fun at the park: swinging, sliding, and riding on a bouncy duck!

When we got back "Home", I made a half-batch of Monster cookies, which made several dozen cookies. 

Later, when I got to my home, I drove out to the far end of the pasture to get Andrew's cow in for milking, then milked the goats.  As Mom had a client here at 7:30, I headed out to the garden.  Andrew mixed up some gas/oil for the small tiller and I putzzed around the garden until nearly 10:00, at which time I made some supper... 

The guys got the bulls moved up to pasture today and cut down some more hay.   My dad had a dentist appointment in Bismarck this morning, so he was gone doing that amongst other things.

It was a good day.

1 comment:

Dawn Bornemann said...

It certainly was wonderful to be able to spend time with you and "Your" little cuties. Their parents must love them an awful lot for them to be that mellow! Thanks for inviting me to go along with you and meet your fellow workers! It was fun!