Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tonight, my hands smell like... shampoo! :) I spent most of my day over at our neighbors' house, babysitting their 3 little ones so the parents could go Christmas shopping. After supper, I gave the little ones a bath (which they needed--after a day of coloring and gluing pieces of paper together and, well, after eating) and I ended up getting nearly as wet as the children did! They sure are good splashers. :)

My family did odd jobs around the house and my mom had a client come out for a session. My dad mentioned the possibility of a lot of snow tomorrow, so we'll see what comes of that? Just think, pretty soon it will be Winter...

...And with the coming of Winter comes a prayer request for a dear friend of my brothers, Jonathan, who is having a surgery done on the 22nd. Please join us in praying for all to go well there and for a quick recovery for him! Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an adorable picture, Cora. You are going to be such a wonderful mother!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you so much,