Friday, September 24, 2010


Tomorrow morning we're heading over to the Alfred church for sweet fellowship at the Harvest of Thanks celebration. Hooray!

We spent part of our day getting ready for tomorrow--mainly getting the song Mother's going to sing onto a CD so she has the background music along, and getting everyone's clothes pressed.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of getting the house cleaned; canning tomato soup; and getting a feast prepared (including homemade ice cream and freshly made cottage cheese), we had visitors! The K. family stopped in to pick up a Kombucha mushroom, as they had stopped making Kombucha tea for a while and now wish to get back to it. Dad got home from grain cleaning just in time to visit with them too for about an hour. I spent most of my time with the 3 young K. children, petting Millie; washing off mud from little hands and feet that couldn't resist splashing in a mud puddle; and bouncing on the trampoline. Oh yes, we played "Duck, duck, doose" (as little Edmund calls it) too! :)

Well, I need to post this and get some beauty sleep, (as Mother calls it)...

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

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