Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Stink, stank, stunk!

We all went to Bismarck today and, on the way home, a skunk was killed by means of our van's tires. Phew!!!

Mother had sessions to do in her office most of the day, so the rest of us spent time picking out a dishwasher (Mom's birthday present from Dad); buying an iron (ours broke recently); spending time at the library; getting parts at NAPA; and then visiting and doing a puzzle with our Bornemann grandparents in Mandan. At 6:00, when Mom was done in her office, Dad and Grandma went and picked her up (while Grandpa, my brothers and I played Yahtzee) and then we all shared a delicious supper that Grandma had prepared: roast, carrots, potatoes, buns and butter, orange jello salad, black olives, and many treats for dessert! We visited later than we thought we would and didn't get home until 9:30. Poor Sally and goats..... We rarely see our grandparents though, so it was worth the late night choring.

I get to be home all day tomorrow as well, so maybe we can get some work done on our annual-family-update-letter?!?!? It's going to be hard picking pictures this year, as we took thousands! Want to come and help decide? :)

1 comment:

Sonja Langford said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! :-) Aside from the skunk that is. ;-)


I pick that one *points*
...that one
that one...
that one...
etc. ;-)