Monday, October 12, 2009

The snow~

by Marguerite Church Clark
Last night when we were sound asleep,
The snow fell fast, the snow piled deep.
When morning came and we looked out,
The snow was lying all about.
The wind was blowing high and low,
And wrinkling up the pure white snow;
And everywhere that we could see,
We found that God made mystery.


Hannah said...

Thats a nice little poem Cora!
Do you have snow on the ground yet?
We got snow yesterday and the day before...but the ground is not frozen yet so it did not collect on the ground. It won't be long till it does! Don't you just like snow? I love when it sparkles!

Rachel said...

Ah, *sighs*, I love snow! :D It's the best part of winter! ;) Lovely poem! It reminded me of all the times when I was little and that happened, I'd wake up to snow on the ground and had the hardest time getting school finished so I could go out and play! :D Lol!

Love and Hugs!

Miss Grace Elizabeth said...

I like that poem! I can't wait until the snow falls fast and piles up deep here!
The fall colors are really beautiful here.
Have a good day!
~ Grace

Kimberly said...

We had a little snow this morning and it was still falling. But it has since melted. Loved the poem. Snow is exciting...for awhile, just not for 7 months!!

Anonymous said...

I am not ready for it to start snowing yet! It hasn't even been fall a month yet. :( Great poem though! :)