I made some whole wheat tortillas for our Chicken Enchiladas:
...butter, for the white sauce, for the enchiladas:
I made 2 Sour Cream Raisin pies:
And I made 1 1/2 batches of ice cream--making it into 3 different flavors: Raspberry, Maple, and Mint Chocolate Chip: (This picture was taken before the mixture was frozen...)
Mother and I also made our favorite Apple Raisin salad, but I didn't get a picture of that.
Here is the finished windmill that the boys worked on together in their spare time a couple days ago:
My dad had a surprise tonight while driving home from the North! He was a couple miles up the road yet when a large animal ran across the road and out into a field. It was----a female moose!!!!! I wonder what she's doing in this part of the world?
Those are all the pictures I have to share for the day. After our feast was over, we all played a couple games of Foosball downstairs and then played a fun game of Rook...
Now for a good nights rest and a wonderful day spent with loved ones tomorrow. :)
I've heard of people seeing moose around here. Dana has seen one once or twice.
The food sure looks good around there. I love sour cream raisin pie. And that ice cream!!! Mmmm, mmmm, mmm!
A few years ago we had a moose cow and her calf around here. The cow was found dead in someone's field (of natural causes.) I don't know what became of the calf.
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