I started this blog! :) It has been so much fun to share with others here about our life on a ND farm, and also to go back and read through the posts from time to time to refresh my memory of all that has happened in our very busy lives. The greatest blogging blessing though has been the great people I've met all over the country and, yes, the world even and the encouragement and ideas I've gotten from them and, hopefully, have been able to share with them also... I praise and thank the Lord for His bringing you into my life!!!
And now, I feel like celebrating! Last year, I did a giveaway on my 1st blogiversary and I've decided to do another one this year.... I looked around my room today for something I could give away and actually found several things, so I've decided to give the winner a choice of what he/she'd like. So here it is, choice #1:
The book, "Stepping Heavenward". When I read this book several years ago (not this exact copy, as this is a new book :) ), I found it a little hard to get into at first, but it got a lot better as it went along. I especially liked the part where the one young woman was so upset because she wasn't exactly sure if she was saved or not, and then the heroine points out to her that, even if she wasn't before, she could repent and ask the Lord into her heart right now! ....
Choice #2: A new copy of the relatively new DVD, "No Greater Love". A dear friend shared this with me about a year ago, as you may recall, and it has a great message about the permanency of marriage....
Choice #3: This is a new VHS copy of an OLD musical film, ("Seven brides for seven brothers") but it's such a very fun, good movie that, if you haven't watched it yet, I just know you'll enjoy it. :)
And choice #4: Your choice of a packet of flower seeds, either: a special water-saving mix ordered from Bountiful Gardens; a decorative sunflower mix; Zinnias; or Love-in-a-mist from my garden. *You have until Saturday, the 9th of April at 5:00PM (or so) to leave me a comment, letting me know you'd like to be entered in the drawing. You don't need to have your own blog to be able to enter, just leave a comment "Anonymously", but sign your name at the end please, or I won't know who you are! * If you'd like to tell me while you're leaving your comment, it would really be fun to hear about how you found my blog in the first place! And now, on to the 3rd year! May God be with you and I and bless us, everyone, ~Cora Beth
I would love to be entered!
I have NO idea how I found your blog, I was probably blog surfing:) I do that a lot and am always pleasantly surprised to find really neat blogs. I always get a kick out of explaining how I found such-and-such a blog from this blog I found from this blog and this blog:D
Hi Cora!
Congrats on two years of blogging! Thanks for doing such a fun giveaway! I can't remember how I found your blog, but I've enjoyed keeping up with what you've been doing! :-)
God bless,
Dear Cora,
Congratulations on your Blog's 2nd anniversary! :) Always enjoy reading your posts and seeing your pictures!
God bless.
Love you,
I don't really remember how I found your blog. I think that someone in my family found it off of Bartletts' blogs. You have a great blog! It's always so much fun to look at!
I think it would be fun to enter your giveaway!
Hello Cora Beth!
Thank you for doing this wonderful giveaway! I first found your blog when Rachel from Young Homemakers left me a comment telling me she had found another girl who likes cake decorating as well, and she left a link to your blog. :) I have very much enjoyed reading it since then!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Love from Laura
(P.S. I'm not sure whether entries from Australia are allowed, so there's no worries if you can't enter me in the drawing :)
Congrats on blogging for two years!
I'd like to enter the draw.
Not sure where I found your site-either a link or a comment left on another blog.
Hi Cora Beth! Sonja told me you were having a giveaway, so I thought I might enter. :)
Oh my, when *did* I fist find your blog? I positively can't remember, besides that I just knew of it since the beginning of my [old] blog. :P
Your prizes look fantastic--the winner will be enormously blessed!
Many blessings,
Dear Miss Cora Beth,
Good Morning! I found your blog through your brother, Andrew. He and my son, Joshua, have just started blogging together...looks like our families have a lot in common! It is very refreshing to see other young people who work so hard and have such a love for the Lord!
I would love to be considered for your give-away...and I look forward to coming back again and reading more of your lovely blog!
Have a blessed day,
Mrs. Laura
Weird.. I thought I had entered but I guess my comment didn't go through!
Anyhow..I would love to be entered! :-) Thank you!
Thinking back.. I believe I found your blog off a link on Hannah of Marrilla Heights blog. :-)
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