Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm praising the Lord tonight...

...for several different reasons!

#1. My dad and mom had another wonderful day in CA, visiting 3 different places (of which I won't post about yet, as Mom may wish to do so first?)

#2. My mom posted 2 interesting, picture-ful posts this morning on her blog (A Ray of Hope)!

#3. Andrew's able to drive the semi around to pull the grain cleaner--and has another day of cleaning tomorrow.

#4. There's just one more day of work before Sabbath comes!

But probably the biggest reason is:

#5. I was supposed to work in town on Sunday, but hoped to use a vacation day so I can be home when my parents fly in and drive home Sunday evening. I hope to make a nice supper and have the house cleaned nicely, etc....... BUT, almost everyone I've asked has had plans for Sunday already and couldn't work for me, and I was really thinking it wasn't going to work out--until today--when God heard and answered my/our prayers! One of the 3 other PM ladies I worked with tonight said that she'll work for me and we signed the shift-switch form and everything so that it's all set up. HOORAY! What a kind Father we serve and love.~


Kimberly said...

So glad for you. It has been fun reading about your parents' trip on you mother's blog. It looks so fun. I've been keeping you all in my prayers. Blessings on you Sabbath.

Elizabeth J. said...

Hi Cora Beth, I wanted to let you know that I'm revising my blogroll and wanted to check with you to see if you still wanted to be on it under this blog. If you would, please drop a comment on my most recent post. Thanks!