Friday, October 1, 2010

God writes the music for the whippoorwills...

While busily cleaning the house this afternoon, I heard the following song on Rejoice Radio (our very favorite radio station--out of Pensacola, FL--that we listen to on-line!) When I did a search just now to try and find this song about cattle on a thousand hills and whippoorwill songs and the freedom the Lord gives to us, I was pleased to find a version that was from the Pensacola Christian College, home of Rejoice Radio! Listen below:

I Give You Freedom (The Whippoorwill Song)

I set the boundries of the ocean vast,
Carved out the mountains from the distant past,
Moulded a man from the miry clay,
Breathed in him life, but he went astray.

I own the cattle on a thousand hills,
I write the music for the whippoorwills,
Control the planets with their rocks and rills,
But give you freedom to use your own will.

And if you want Me to, I’ll make you whole,
I’ll only do it tho’ if you say so.
I’ll never force you, for I love you so,
I give you freedom – Is it “yes” or “no”?

I hold the waters in My mighty hand
Spread out the heavens with a single span,
Make all creation tremble at My voice,
But My own children come to Me by choice.

Even the oxen knows the master’s stall,
And sheep will recognize the shepherd’s call
I could demand your love – I own you twice,
But only willing love is worth the price!

My holy word now I give to you,
As a shining lamp to guide you through,
My yoke is easy and My burden is light,
Keep looking up, your Heavenly home’s in sight.

The Lord is so good to us, isn't He?

Oh, and as a side note of joy, we're all very happy this evening to be nearly done combining. The guys finished the flax harvest today and now just have a small field of corn left to do. :)

1 comment:

Tamera said...

You are one of my recipients of the "Sunshine Award." You can check out my blog on Sat, Oct 2nd to read more about it! Thanks for being so great!