Mom is feeling sick (stomach ache) tonight, so please pray for her. :(
Dad had tractor troubles, first with nearly getting stuck with the 9030 (we all thought he was stuck actually, but then he got it rocking back and forth a little bit and got it out!); then breaking a hose on the loader, so that it was not usable for evening chores. This meant he had to plug in our 4020 tractor and use it (with the bale fork) to feed the cows their supper----only, the fuel started to gel on it, so he had drive back in the yard and had Andrew run hot water over a part while he went and got some #1 fuel and dumped it in the tank. Then, while he was feeding the cows, he saw that one of our late fall calves was stretched out on its side, barely able to move. So, he came back for the pickup to transfer the calf to the milk barn with. He had me warm up some milk and put it in the stomach-feeding tube. When Dad tried to warm the calf up by rubbing it with blankets and then feeding it, it died, so it's been a frustrating day for him.
My brothers worked on projects (indoors mainly) all afternoon, while I started in on my own big project----making 128 small frosting roses and 42 large ones for the wedding cake I've been asked to make for this coming Sunday. As I have a busy week ahead of me (working in town the next 3 days; babysitting the next day; and making a birthday cake for neighbor children and a wedding cake the next day(s), I figured I'd best get a start on things! I did some reading online and found that it's alright to freeze "Flowers", so all 170 yellow roses are neatly tucked away for further use....
Most of the little roses:
Some of the large roses:
A sweet-smelling rose, up close!
My my...what a day you all had! I'm so sorry to hear of all the things that went wrong. :( I'll be praying for your mom and hope she was able to get a good night's rest and is feeling better today.
And I'm sorry to hear of the troubles your dad had, especially about the calf. :( Poor little thing.
But your roses look lovely! :D I love yellow roses, always makes me think of that Texan song from the Civil War..."Oh, the yellow rose of Texas...". ;) HeHe! You will be quite the busy girl this week! I'll be praying for you (don't want you getting sick or overly tired)! :) Good thinking to start early on the flowers (they take forever anyway to do). ;) Lol! Did you use royal icing or buttercream frosting? Because if they were royal icing I thought they were fine left out? :/ I'd never heard that trick about freezing the flowers beforehand. :) Though I know you can freeze a whole frosted cake, so I don't see why you couldn't. ;) HeHe!
I pray the rest of your week goes well for you all! Stay healthy! :)
Love and Hugs!
P.S. - I'm going to try to keep in touch better now. ;) Expect more comments! :D
Thank you for the prayers, Rachel and for your long comment! It was so good to hear from you. :)
Sadly, my mom is still feeling yucky today....
The yellow roses are done with buttercream icing. I wasn't sure about freezing them either, but read in a couple places where people did it with success, so I'm very much hoping it works!!!! I also read that some people just let them air dry, but then they get pretty hard and inedible, and I didn't want that. I'll let you know later how it works. :)
I'm looking forward to hearing more from you! I'll try to do better about writing too....
With lots of love and prayers for you and your family as well,
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