Monday, June 25, 2012

A full day spent with little girls...

After getting up and doing morning chores and watering the greenhouse and the strawberries, and changing clothes and getting cleaned up, I headed over to the M's house to watch their cute little girls once again.  I spent 11 1/2 hours there, playing with them; reading to them; coloring with one of them; feeding them; changing them; going on walks and playing in the grass with them......   I got home just in time to visit with my family for a little while before family prayer-time and now it's once again bed-time.  Busy!

Mom was away in Bismarck again.  The boys finished cutting down the last hay field, so are now finished with the first cutting of alfalfa.  My dad hauled grain for a farmer.

Tomorrow sounds like it will be just as busy!  

Oh yes, if you would, please pray for my aunt  LV, as we learned that she has to have open heart surgery now.  Also, our hunter friends are very sad today, as one of them (Tom) who's been battling cancer just passed away today.  We'll miss him...

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