Before sharing the photos here, I just thought I'd say that I've been busy with babysitting the last couple days and my family's been working on the farm. If you would, please pray for Andrew to have wisdom now, as in the last week, he's had several calls from people (having to do with farming and politics) asking for his help and time and now he needs to decide what he wants to do!
Oh yes, after a pleasant day of work today, I stopped in to visit my new friends, Lauretta and Sarena and they gave me a tour of their house; garden; and their animals. I even got to see a very new foal---born this morning and to scratch several horses and cows. I'm thanking the Lord for having us meet!!! They're like us in many ways, AND, they only live 15 miles away---only 2+ miles away from where I work.
And now, I have more pictures to share:
Charity B... Can you guess who she was pretending to be?
A how many-legged-race?
Getting ready for the Relay Race... "Line up by height."
Stilt races...
Tug-O-War... (With a rope made that morning)
Tim & Louisa S. and Jonathan S. sang several songs....Enjoying the music....
Would you like to trade places with Nate?
Our host and hostess:Mother (dressed up in her "Guess who" costume) and Lauretta (in yellow) and Sarena (in blue and brown).
Yes, I have more to share another day too! That will have to do for now though. :)
Dear Cora,
Thank you so much for sharing your favorite pictures of PD AND your descriptions of them! I have a hunch who annonymous was a while back. Think of someone who asks LOTS of questons. :)
I so love listening to you playing piano! I remember being very young and listening to my mother playing piano as we waited for the men to come home for supper. Then I did it and now my daughter is carrying on the tradition. :)
Happy Sabbath my dear. It's going to be such a special one with Sarah here. I am sooo excited!
It's me again. I certainly hope that you will post a picture of YOU in your Guess Who outfit! ;)
PS. Want to play a piano duet?
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