Friday, July 15, 2011

In your opinion, which smells worse?

A. Skunk spray
B. A billy goat (or "Buck", which is its' proper name)

I was debating this question as I drove home from Chuck's with the the bucks' odor filling the air, after passing an area where a skunk had obviously been. I don't care for the smell of male goats, but I think skunks still take the cake when it comes to being the stinkiest. :)

Anyway, onto a more pleasant topic.....

I had a very delightful time at the Keisters' house! I took a few pictures too and I'll try to post them tomorrow when I write more about my visit.

For now, it's late again and, as I woke up very early this morning when the "Garbage Man" came and emptied the Keisters' dumpster at the crack of dawn, and, as I helped clean 2 houses today, I'm tired and am heading for bed.

Until next time,

1 comment:

Carra said...

Dear Cora,
I agree with you! Skunks still stand as the stinkiest in my book! :)
I don't like the buck odor, when it is really strong. But thankfully ours is young, and doesn't have any odor at all during the summer months, so far. He is only beginning to have a slight smell.

Well. My sister and I worked for a friend yesterday afternoon to help her clean her house for impending guests! ;) so... I was tired, and extremely late getting to bed. Not good when this morning is early again... To bed at 11 and up at 5 or 5:30 is not too good for a person's health. Especially when it's been ending up like that for about a week now!

May you and yours be truly blessed,
Love Carra