Jacob cut hay with the 9030...
This is what it looks like from the East side:
The cabbages and cauliflower are covered to protect them from white cabbage moths, and the hops vine is having fun spreading out and out and out............
My froggies are almost lost these days, this one amongst the watermelons and sweet potatoes.... The Lord has definitely blessed our greenhousing efforts this year!
Even if the next few days are very warm, there should be no need of watering the outdoor plants, as God very thoroughly did that job for us this evening. When Dad slipped on his boots and went out to the look at the rain-gauge, it read 3 inches! There was quite a thunder storm that came with the rain also, so much so that my grandpa Earl called to see if we were OK, as did our insurance man! :) As far as we know, we are alright. There weren't tornadoes or anything.... Andrew did say that we'll have to check in the morning to make sure our cows are still in the proper place though!
Outside of all that excitement, the guys worked outside most of the day and Mom and I got the house cleaned; food prepared; laundry done; the chamomile sent out to Uncle Russell; and I cleaned my aquarium (a job I'd fallen quite behind on!) One of our neighbor ladies called me to see if she could use some of my red paste coloring for icing, as she was trying to make an Elmo cake and had run out of coloring and didn't want to make a pink Elmo. :) Of course I said she could, so she and one of her little boys came over and visited for a few minutes. Hopefully the coloring helped her to obtain her goal of a very vibrant red!
While I was out picking the bouquet of flowers for the supper table, my dad joined me in the garden and asked if I'd heard about the dogs being up on the greenhouse roof?
"On the greenhouse ROOF?" I asked in unbelief.
"Yes. They climbed up the stairs of the storage shed and then just walked off the side of the building onto the greenhouse roof!"
I looked then and saw 3 little holes poked in the plastic.
"Lady fell through, but was able to get herself back up and off of the plastic," Dad informed me, "But Millie didn't fall through and walked all the way down to the corner of the greenhouse even without breaking through!"
I wish I'd been there with my camera at that moment (I was in town working at the time)! It would have been a funny sight to have seen them up there, although at the same time, I would have been very frightened for their safety as that's a very high roof and they're not very light dogs, and if they'd fallen through....................... :(
"Thank you, Heavenly Father, for your protection of my family and of those I love!"
Dear Cora,
You have a beautiful garden in your green house. :) And that was so wonderful, the Lord protecting your dogs.
I know how frightening things like that can be.
I love to see hay cut. :) I hope someday to have a farm of my own, where I can help my husband (in the Lord's timing), and we can do crop work together. I'd like to have a dairy I think... but maybe just beef cows. ;)
Anyway... just some thoughts.
That hay sure looks beautiful. I'm sure it will be very good quality as long as it doesn't rain on it too much!
3" that's a lot! Wow!
Well, I'm so glad ya'll had a very good day yesterday and got a lot accomplished.
Be blessed my friend, love Carra
Good Evening Miss Cora Beth,
The plants in your greenhouse look great...they are so big! The plants in our gardens are still growing, but I am thankful that we can have our gardens this year. With all the rain we had early in the season, it was looking like it might be too wet. I'm also thankful that your dogs are okay and that your greenhouse wasn't too damaged.
I really enjoyed the photos of Andrew and Jacob driving the tractors around. It looks like a lot of fun. My father still has the old tractor from my grandparents' old farm. I would actually like to put it back together when I find some free time. It would be very cool to have it running again.
I will be praying that you and your family have a great week together on your farm.
Your Brother in the Lord,
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