Friday, September 7, 2012

Screeching hawks...

For some reason, there have been 5 or 6 hawks circling over our farmstead for the last couple weeks.  They don't just soar quietly though....  They open their beaks and let out loud, shrill sounds.  It reminds me of the drought year in the "Sarah, Plain and Tall" movies...... 

It was a productive day on the farm, once again.  My dad ran the disc this morning, as he was caught up with planting, so both the boys went over and got a load of hay.  Then, after a lunch of cheese-sandwiches and fresh tomato soup, Jacob headed over to finish the discing so that my dad could finish the cover-crop seeding, all of which was accomplished before dark.  Andrew hauled hay until 5:00, when he got an air-leak on his truck and had to quit.  He worked in the shop then on projects---until dark.  My mom went to town this morning, after doing the barn chores, then we cleaned the house and she worked on a lot of laundry while I baked 2 apple pies and cut up tomatoes/celery/fresh parsley/onions for another batch of tomato soup, and then canned 7 quarts of soup that I'd partially  made yesterday.   

We're all ready for a day of (kind-of) resting.....  Andrew (and maybe Jacob) plans to go help out at the Braddock Threshing Bee and some or all the rest of us will be going up to Mandan to take Grandpa to where he gets his Dialysis done, as Grandma is recovering now from a surgery she had done yesterday and can't help him for a while.... 

So, good night all.~ 

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