Sunday, December 6, 2009

"When it snows, ain't it thrillin'...

...Though your nose gets a chillin'...."

Outside of bedding down the goat barn; doing a lot of dishes; and doing a bit of laundry, we spent our day enjoying playing some games together as a family. Perhaps it was because it was so cold and snowy out, or maybe it was because we miss having Dad around the place, but whatever the reason, we just decided to have a fun day. :)

We played lots of Foosball and Dutch Blitz, plus a couple games of Clue. Mother & I played some piano duets for awhile too... Then, we watched a couple of (short-ish) movies. It was a delightful day!


Hannah said...

I played a different sort of game today! It was a new version of Monopoly! I wrote about it my blog. It was fun to play, but I like the original better. That is a lovely painting! Are you getting alot of snow? We have, Oh, 'bout 4-6".
Have a good rest!

Cora Beth said...

Dear Hannah~
I'd say we have about the same amount of snow as you do! It's awfully cold here though--it's gotten below zero once already. Brrrrrr....

Hannah said...

Dear Cora,
Wow that is cold! Right now it is a little chilly in our house right now because the wood stove is slow in getting going. I think we will have to start up the furnace soon. Right now the outside temperature is 25. We live so close to lake MI that it does not get super cold (but we get lots of lake effect snow from it also:). I think the coldest it has ever got that I can remember was 23 below zero. But some of the older folks that live here remember winters that it has got even colder than that.
What is the coldest temp. you remember getting where you live?

Cora Beth said...

Dear Hannah~
When you wrote that last question, I looked at our thermometer and it was 1 degree above! Now it's warmed up considerably and is 6.8 degrees. :)
The coldest that I remember happened last year when it got down to 30 below, but my mom says she remembers a time 18 years ago when it got down to 40 below. Also, when the wind blows (which is almost every day here) you can get a windchill of way colder (so that it feels about 20 degrees colder) than that! Those are the days when you do chores as quickly as possible, although it doesn't usually go very quickly because all the animals' water is froze solid and has to be smacked out and the water lines in the barn freeze and your toes nearly freeze. However, I like Winter! :)

Miss Grace Elizabeth said...

Yes It is thrillin'!
I like the winter so much.
I so much looking forward to skiing!
We do alot of dishes all the time around here! It would be so fun if we could help each other with them! I like doing dishes with my sister and friends singing while we work.
That is a pretty painting.
Have a good afternoon and evening!

Cora Beth said...

Grace dear~
I've never skied before, but it sounds thrillin'! I hope you can go soon and have a great time...

I so hope that the Lord works it out so that we can meet in person sometime! It would be interesting to see if the picture we've drawn in our minds of each other is really how the other person is. :)

I really MUST get to bed now though...

Joyfully His,