Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Yay--the bulls are out of here!

This morning, we all worked together and got the bulls loaded up and hauled up to the pasture--to the cows. We had to make 3 trips, as 2 of the bulls were NOT cooperating or getting along with the others and thet were starting to get really dumb, so we just broke them up into smaller groups and hauled them up that way. It is so nice not to have them polluting the peaceful stillness with their bellering anymore!

My dad hauled another load of flowers to Enderlin today and got home just in time for supper. He went out then and finished cutting the field that Jacob was almost done with and then, while we did chores, he started on another field and worked 'till dark.

This afternoon, Mom and Andrew went over to the land we rent South of Hazelton to bring home the 4020 with the corn planter and to pull the plow home behind the pickup. Andrew got Mom going with the tractor and then, before hooking up to the plow, he had to run to Linton to buy and get a pallet of really sturdy twine for our new baler. Dad had called around in Bismarck and not many people carried that kind of twine, and the ones who did wanted more money for it than NoDak in Linton did...Strange! So, of course, he decided to support the local farm store and had Andrew make our purchase there. Consequently, tonight after chores were finished, we children got to unload a pallet-full of twine balls!

Mother had a bit of trouble on the way home, as one of the tires on the planter blew out, so she had to wait 45 minutes or so 'till Andrew finally came along and helped her get on her feet again--I mean, on her wheels again. :)

While all the others were zooming down the roads and field, I got the little garden across the road planted and did some weeding and tilling in our big garden. Oh yes, I also chased the calf in that was out and was standing by the wash-line when Millie brought the situation to my attention!

Well, it sounds like tomorrow will be another busy day (Mom and I are going to Bismarck to buy some baby calves and to run errands and the guys have more hauling and haying to do), so I'd best get to bed. "Goodnight!"

1 comment:

*~Virginia~* said...

WOW!!!! How many acres do you guys OWN???????
Sounds like you keep crazy busy in the summer!!!!