Monday, August 24, 2009

A fun and informative day~

Mother and I spent a lovely afternoon at the Dagley farm, learning tips and tricks about a large variety of food preserving techniques and other things about gardening... We met a new family today who, once I started visiting with their oldest daughter, I learned we have a lot of things in common with. It was so wonderful to spend time with dear sisters-in-the-Lord and to meet new ones!

As it's quite late, I will limit this post to only two pictures and post the rest sometime tomorrow. :)

This was taken while on the garden tour... It looks like the Dagleys should have plenty of tomatoes for Winter, as this is just one of their patches!

Hannah S. was so kind as to snap this picture of Amanda (left), Gloria (middle) and myself (right) in the Dagley's kitchen...
We had such a great time and stayed longer than we should have once again. (We did most of the chores in the dark tonight!)

While Mother and I were enjoying our time at the Dagleys, my dad spent the day in mowing down weeds around the farm. When that was finished, he baled some straw over at the neighbors place until it was almost dark (except he had to come back after making the 3rd bale to weld something, as it had broke...)

The boys should be returning tomorrow afternoon sometime. It will be really nice to be all back together once again! I hope they really enjoyed their vacation~

1 comment:

Mrs. E said...

Awww.... how lovely!!! :>)
Christian fellowship is
Oh so wonderful!!!

Love~ Miss Jen