Friday, August 21, 2009

Our house seems so quite tonight~

Today was the day the boys have been waiting for--the beginning of their little vacation! Mother had a list of things she wanted the boys to help with before they left though, so much got accomplished in a very short amount of time this morning! It's amazing what incentive can do...

Andrew took time to fix my new bird bath for me too before they left. I had broke it while trying to assemble it and didn't know how to repair it, so I was very grateful for a handy-dandy brother once again!
I now have it filled with water and it's sitting out in our garden, but I think it was still too cold today for any birdies to want to take a bath!
Finally, after eating an early lunch, everything was ready for the boys' departure...

...and they were soon settled in....
....and ready for the long drive up to the Bartletts' place.
We miss them already, but know that they're having a grand time, so that makes it easier.
Chores went well this evening with only the 3 of us... We are currently milking 6 cows and 7 goats and we're bottle-feeding 15 calves. Plus, the older calves always want their grain; the geese want their water; and everyone else needs the staples of life too. I think we were finished in an hour and a half... Now we only have 5 more chores to go until the boys return.~
Have a great time, guys, if you happen to be reading this. :)

1 comment:

Mrs. E said...

Hope you have a Sweet Weekend! :)
What a BEAUTIFUL bird bath...
Sounds like you are enjoying
farm life at it's peak!
Many Blessings!!!

With Much Love~ Jen