A. Most types do not--according to a couple articles I read on-line.
However, this evening, while attempting to get a good picture of my two Black Tipped Tetras, my camera displayed the following message on the screen after taking a picture:
So, who do I believe: the computer or my camera? :)
The following picture is a couple days old already, but I thought I'd post it anyway, as it's --interesting...
This is what our trampoline can look like after a bad wind storm!
Thankfully, Dad helped Mom, Jacob and I to get it straightened out again.
And now, about the exciting part of our day...
Shortly after arriving home, my dad looked out the window and saw a chicken with several little balls of fluff scurrying behind and around her! The last couple of years, when a hen showed up with a new brood of chicks, we'd let her try to raise them, but have had very poor success, usually the ending result being that of one or two new additions to our flock of aging (laying)chickens. So, this year we've decided to take the chicks away right away and raise them ourselves, letting the hen go set on some more eggs if she so desires.
However, we weren't quite prepared for chicks yet, so their current abode is in our kitchen, under a heat lamp that's tied to a yard-stick. :)
Mother snapped this picture of Andrew and I bringing the chicks in out of the rain/hail...