Andrew's in bed already, as he's getting up early to go cleaning all day once again.
Jacob's in bed already, as he's the hardest in our family to wake up and needs to get up at 6:00 with the rest of us to help with chores!
Dad and Mom are in bed already, as Mom was planning on making her usual run to Bismarck, but then bit into something really hard yesterday and thinks her tooth cracked, and so now she may need Dad to drive her to town to get a tooth pulled! Please be praying for her, as she's in a lot of pain--in spite of the clove oil; clove capsules; Tylenol and ice.......
I'd best get to bed~
PS. I really wanted to tell you first though that we got half the apple tree branches grafted onto the little crabapple trees today--which means that, if they all take, we'll have 20 wonderful apple trees as the results of our labors of this day!
PPS. There were 3 new calves today...
Hope your mother's tooth gets better - even without being pulled!
Other than that, this was a cute fun post Cora! I love posts like this that just give a little sample into the every-day events in individual lives :)
Sleep well my friend!
I will be praying for your momma! :)
Many Blessings~ Jen
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