Saturday, June 26, 2010

I'm working on a long, picture-full post...

...but, it's getting pretty late once again and there are still a lot of pictures to load, so I guess it will have to be finished another time!

My family and I attended the birthday party/family reunion of our friend, Fern (whom we rent farm land from) this afternoon. During the afternoon program, the boys played their instruments; Mother and I played a piano duet (thank you for the use of your keyboard, Ellen!); Mom sang a song; and then we children did a skit/song while Mom played piano and Dad turned the many pages for her. Then in the later part of the afternoon, there was a jam session, which Andrew took part in and the rest of us listened to, occasionally, while visiting with other friends and acquaintances. We drove home in the rain, then relaxed in the living room while watching a movie together, and eating popcorn, grapefruits, and ice cream. :)

'Tis so sweet to spend time together as a family!

Until next time, God bless~


Brandon said...

Hi Cora, nice blog. That's impressive you try to post everyday. And I like how you even post to tell everyone you can't post that day :)

Hannah said...

grapefruit? Yum!
Looking forward to those pictures :D
I am working on a picture post right now too- - and trying to work speedily because David would like to do the same thing :D