Friday, May 21, 2010

Farming has its challenges--and dangers...

As the title of this post suggests, we had some difficulties in the land of farming today. (Examples: Bearings going out; a tire needed replacing; fuel filters were needed from town; two sick calves; a stuck tractor; Mother's feet are swollen from using the tough pedals on the tractor so much lately.....)

It also had its good points though.
(Example: Our hunting friends are in ND now and stopped in to borrow a tractor for a few days; I got my little garden planted and picked the first bouquet of lilacs for the year; the grass is planted now in the places where it needed replanting; more rocks got picked; it's raining so we don't need to run the sprinkler in the garden for a few days again; Dad got about 30 acres of corn planted...)

Also, there are many things in bloom now that smell so nice!

There are the apple trees:
(Notice, below the apple tree is our handy garden seeder that saves us hours upon hours of time in the garden!)

...and the tulips (which are about done now though...)

...the little irises (or flags, as we sometimes call them)...

...and the bleeding hearts...!

I have a couple prayer requests for friends and acquaintances of ours tonight.

First, we learned this evening that some long-time friends of my parents', well, their son (who was just a little older than I) committed suicide today. They found him in their back yard. Please pray for this family to feel God's love this night and in the days ahead!

Secondly, a few days ago, we heard the news that a man and his wife (from around this area) were out hooking up their stock trailer when the mans' foot accidentally slipped off the brake pedal and onto the gas pedal--and he ran over his wife! She died, just yesterday, I believe. Can you imagine how that poor man must be feeling now? How terrible......

Please join me in praying for these families--especially in the next few weeks as they deal with the deaths of their loved ones. ~


Rachel Beth said...

Dear Cora

I'm sorry to heard about your farming hitches - hope you all have a relaxing night and feel better in the morning.

I really like the photos of the flowers and the apple tree - it reminds me of the apple trees we had on the farm in the Cape.

I'm really sorry about the tragedies your friends have had, my family and I will be praying for them.

Have a good weekend!:)
God bless you and your family
Lots of love

Mrs. E said...

What lovely tulips...
I love the variety of colors!!

Many Blessings~ Miss Jen

Rachel said...

Oh, I'm so sorry for these family sweetie! I was just catching up on all that I've missed lately (sooo sorry about that my dear!). I pray that these families are healing now. That must be so difficult for them. :( I'll continue to pray, as I'm sure they are still hurting.

Love you my dear!
~Rachel P.~