Sunday, May 13, 2012

So, if you were a crow, would you be scared???

 My brothers and I made this happy couple today while our parents were in Mandan, eating out and then visiting my dad's folks.... 
 Think the crows will be scared?   Millie, our dog, sure was when she first saw them!!!  Woof, Woof!
Mom says she had a wonderful Mother's Day, so I guess then the day was a success.  :)

"Thank you Lord, for my mother, and all we've been through together!  It's an interesting, almost always wonderful life..."


Dawn Bornemann said...

No kidding that we have been through a LOT together--it gives me chills sometimes to think of all the bee stings you had to give to me! Praise God for BOTH of our lives!

Dawn Bornemann said...

PS. I wish I was as skinny as she is! Do you think anyone would give suggestions for names of scarecrow couples? ;)