Sunday, January 31, 2010

Prairie Days website now ready for viewing!


You can view the website HERE.

I'd love to know what you think of it,

and would love even more if you could join us at the Dagleys'

farm this year for Prairie Days fun, June 18th, 19th & 20th!


Allison said...

Aww, Prairie Days looks so fun! I wish I could go to something so unique! :D

Miss Grace Elizabeth said...

I had fun looking at the pictures in the website.
It looks like a very enjoyable event!
We have been wanting to do something like that here but with out all the hand skill demos. More like a big get together how folks use to do. We where thinking maybe one in the spring and one in the fall. But the only thing is that we have no one to come to it! :)

Hannah said...

Yes, we enjoyed the website. Prairie Days must be alot of fun :).
Yes, we do have cougars here. My parents have seen tracks in the woods behind our property.
A few years back before we lived at the place we are at now Mama, me and my sisters all were driving on a back road in the woods going to visit our friends and we saw a huge black panther leap over the road in front of us. . . (at least it certainly looked like a HUGE black cat). Where we live now is right near where we had seen the panther. But no one was seen any since then that I have heard about.

Hannah said...

I forgot, My sister's niece saw a black panther on their driveway a couple years ago. They have since moved but their house was about 10-15 miles from our place. So, yeah there are cougars/panthers/mountain lions (whatever you want to call them :) around by us.
I hope I see one someday but I don't want to get close!!

Mrs. E said...

Oh..... how wonderful!!!